Joy-Con Control Sticks Are Not Responding or Respond Incorrectly
Ensure the Joy-Con have the latest controller firmware installed. Remove any skins or covers from the problematic Joy-Con, if any, and calibrate the control sticks. If the issue is occurring with a specific game or application, try the following: Check for any available software updates for that game. Check the electronic manual for that game.
How to Pair Joy-Con Controllers - Nintendo Support
By doing the Button Pairing alone, the console will not be able to tell if the Joy-Con will be held as a dual-controller grip, or if the Joy-Con will be held horizontally as individual controllers. To confirm how the Joy-Con will be used, press the L Button/R Buttons …
Controller Pairing FAQ - Nintendo Support
Even if the Joy-Con controllers are attached to the Joy-Con grip, it counts as 2 controllers that are connected. Example: Four people can play, each using the Joy-Con controllers attached to the Joy-Con grip. When the Joy-Con controllers are attached to the Nintendo Switch console, they do not count against the number of controllers that can be ...
How to Hold the Joy-Con (Single and Multiplayer)
Other games, such as Super Bomberman R, allow you to use the Joy-Con in single player as dual-controller grip or as solo horizontal grip, while using the Joy-Con in multiplayer allows for solo horizontal grip only. Complete these steps. To set or change the holding position for the Joy-Con. From the HOME Menu, select Controllers then Change ...
The Player LEDs Are Not Working on the Joy-Con - Nintendo …
If the battery charge on the Joy-Con is low, allow them to charge. If the Joy-Con battery is unable to charge correctly, see Controller Power Issues. While in the HOME Menu, detach the Joy-Con from the console once the battery is charged. The Joy-Con will be displayed as "detached" on the bottom left corner of the screen.
Joy-Con FAQ - Nintendo Support
Held vertically, the left and right Joy-Con can be used as a single unit; Held horizontally, each Joy-Con can be used as individual controllers; How many Joy-Con controllers can be paired to a Nintendo Switch system? Up to eight wireless controllers can be paired to a Nintendo Switch system at a time. However, the maximum number of controllers ...
How to Attach/Detach the Joy-Con Controllers to the Joy-Con Grip
The Joy-Con grip accessory (model No. HAC-011) included with the Nintendo Switch bundle allows you to combine both Joy-Con into a traditional-style controller. Additionally, a Joy-Con charging grip (model No. HAC-012) is available and is sold separately. The Joy-Con charging grip allows you to keep playing while you're charging your Joy-Con, so ...
Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Not Responding or Responding …
Decrease the distance between the Joy-Con and the Nintendo Switch console. Ensure that the Nintendo Switch console is placed to avoid wireless interference. It is best if the Nintendo Switch console is placed out in the open and that it is not: Behind a TV. Near an aquarium. Placed in or under a metal object.
Joy-Con Troubleshooting - Nintendo Support
Joy-Con Controller Not Responding or Responds Incorrectly When Used Wirelessly. Joy-Con Controller Power Issues. Joy-Con Controller Not Recognized or Not Registering While Attached to the Console. Joy-Con Controller Repeatedly Connects/Disconnects From the Console. Joy-Con Tilt or Shake (Motion Controls) Are Not Responding Correctly or Cannot ...
How to Attach/Detach the Joy-Con Controllers from Nintendo …
Make sure the Joy-Con are correctly oriented. First, ensure the console screen is facing you. To ensure the right and left Joy-Con are positioned properly with the console, align the "-" symbol on the left Joy-Con with the top left corner of console, and align the "+" symbol on the Joy-Con with the top right corner of the console.