How tribal leaders, commercial fisherman and a few small environmental groups won an uphill campaign against dams.
Using historical forecasts, reservoir storage and river flow data, scientists found that FIRO, combined with a planned second spillway at New Bullards Bar, could provide additional flood storage ...
Many major Colorado destinations will remain open through April. Some could keep the lifts spinning for longer.
The changes beavers make can help land hold onto water and release it slowly, which eases flooding and stalls drought. Compare this with human design innovations like tarmac, which radiates heat and ...
A study, led by the University of Southampton (UK), has revealed that brown trout can successfully navigate beaver ...
Brown trout can pass beaver dams, study finds - The research monitored fish movements in two streams in northern Scotland – ...
Activists held an event near a planned development site along Illinois Route 92 on Wednesday, saying the development would ...
CLARION--Clarion and Jefferson County taxpayers earning $67,000 or less may qualify for Free VITA income tax preparation. Appointments are available in Clarion and Jefferson County locations. Please c ...
Nestled in the Ozark Mountains where limestone cliffs embrace Victorian architecture, Eureka Springs offers nature ...
Nestled in the Ozark Mountains lies a place where nature and Victorian whimsy collide in spectacular fashion, creating an Arkansas anomaly that defies all small-town stereotypes. I've eaten my way ...
Improv-able this week showcasing the comedy stylings of area residents on the stage doing improv comedy routines.
Over the course of nearly 20 years, the Chehalis Basin Strategy has brought together local, state and tribal governments; ...