The passage of Senate Bill 56 was yet another assault on the will of Ohio voters and a direct threat to the success of Ohio’s ...
The Statehouse Republican version would keep home grow and tax levels the same, but reduce THC levels and redirect most of ...
The state plans to hold onto more than $10.8 million, funds due to municipalities, according to recreational marijuana law.
The city's seven members of council, including the mayor, voted to approve an ordinance to the zoning code that bans any ...
The Ohio House has introduced a rival bill to the Senate's restrictive marijuana reform. This one is more mild. It keeps the ...
The state is holding onto $10.9 million in taxes that Ohio cities were supposed to receive from marijuana sales.
It’s a controversial issue involving the sale of recreational marijuana that has over $10.8 million of Ohio tax revenue in legal limbo.
Subscribe to the Wake Up,’s free morning newsletter, delivered to your inbox weekdays at 5:30 a.m. It’s up to ...
A Republican lawmaker pitched changes to voter-approved recreational marijuana laws while keeping home grow and tax rates ...
There are competing proposals in the Ohio Statehouse to reshape the state’s recreational marijuana program.     How are the ...
A national cannabis company predicts Ohio will be a $2 billion market in 2027 if legislators do not alter marijuana laws.