The owner of a New Jersey pet store who was shot in the face with a crossbow said the customer came into the store and didn’t ...
Katarina Ruk has owned Birds By Joe 2 on Route 46 in Saddle Brook for five years. She says business was slow on Monday before ...
A pet shop owner was allegedly shot in the face with a crossbow by a long-time customer in a seemingly random attack.
I walked up to him and said, ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t hear what you said.’ And he pointed the crossbow and shot me, point-blank,” ...
BRATISLAVA – Hovorí sa jej aj choroba špinavých rúk. V nemocnici na bratislavských Kramároch je hospitalizovaných asi 20 ľudí so žltačkou typu A, vrátane detí. Lekári vyzývajú ľudí na dôkladnú hygienu ...
Writer, director and star Katarina Zhu‘s feature debut is a personal portrait of fulfillment, bringing a nuanced perspective to universal themes of daddy issues, privilege and self-love.
Though “Bunnylovr” is built around her playing a complex character trying to discover what it is she wants for herself, star Katarina Zhu, who also writes and directs the film, is clearly ...
„Operačné stredisko záchrannej zdravotnej služby (OS ZZS) SR vyslalo v utorok po 14.00 h rýchlu zdravotnú pomoc na ulicu ...
Ruská armáda sa rozširuje o vyše 100-tisíc vojakov. Údaje vyhodnocujeme a poskytujeme našim partnerom, vyhlásil Zelenskyj.