Let me sing a lullaby ♪ ♪ A lullaby ♪ ♪ Of Birdland ♪ - She had incredible confidence and that would sometimes get her in trouble. ♪ Lullaby of Birdland, that's what I ♪ - She was ...
A prominent London jazz duo will be playing at Millgate Arts Centre this weekend. The gig is taking place on Saturday, March 1, at 7:30pm. Singer Helena Debono and pianist Charlie Bates are performing ...
A Jerry Garcia-themed concert venue and restaurant is set to open in Chicago on May 21 from promoter Peter Shapiro. Get the details here.
Let me sing a lullaby ♪ ♪ A lullaby ♪ ♪ Of Birdland ♪ -She had incredible confidence, and that would sometimes get her in trouble. -♪ Lullaby of Birdland, that's what I ♪ -She was ...
For that same reason, all scenes containing the song “Lullaby of Birdland” were deleted from another episode of the show. Meanwhile, Langham’s episode is missing because he was charged with ...
Campolongo has your forecast in just a few minutes. Residents upset by a new plan to close Birdland Pool in Des Moines are starting a petition to save it. As KCCI Senior reporter Todd Magel shows ...
Previously on the chopping block due to Des Moines' looming budget deficit, the city's Birdland Pool, a beloved northside fixture, could stay open for another year. Des Moines City Manager Scott ...
How about you? Reach in Beauty; Reconcile in Peace; Blessed Be. Mary Lucille Hays lives in Birdland near White Heath. She is serious about answering mail from readers. Consider subscribing to ...
On Saturday March 1st at 5:30 pm, singer Gabrielle Stravelli opened a four-night run at Birdland. Gabrielle Stravelli combines a tremendous swing feel with a gift for lyric interpretation ...
In Birdland, the snow is falling, and I’m hoping to get to the library today. The kitten is romping at my feet, and Ursula, the aged black Lab, lies in the kitchen, blocking the dishwasher ...