This paper propose an improved method called the modified warm-up-free parallel window(PW) MAP decoding schemes to implement highly-parallel Turbo decoder architecture based on the QPP(Quadratic ...
In 2003 the term ‘mHealth’ was first coined by Professor Robert Istepanian of London’s Kingston University and defined as ‘emerging mobile communications and network technologies for ...
Sequans announce the availability of LTE IoT 10 Click, the latest addition to MIKROE’s extensive click board ecosystem.
Nokia’s Lunar Surface Communications System was supposed to be the first 4G network deployed on the moon and a test for future crewed missions. Things didn’t go to plan.
Telkomsel and ZTE noted they plan to continue working on network modernization and improved connectivity in Indonesia.
If all goes according to plan, the Athena lander will touch down near the moon's south pole on or around March 6.
It consists of three subsections stigma, stile and ovary as shown in the following diagram of longitudinal section of flower. The male reproductive part of the flower is known as stamen.
If all goes according to plan, the Athena lander will touch down near the moon's south pole on or around March 6. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — The private Athena lunar lander is on its way to the moon ...
What is a Network Coverage Map? A network coverage map is a visual representation of the areas where a mobile network ...
MAPP has a communications device from Nokia to test 4G/LTE technology on the moon ... Nokia Put a 4G Cellular Network on the Moon but Couldn’t Make a Phone Call Nokia’s Lunar Surface ...