Adopting healthier lifestyle habits early on is crucial for maintaining kidney health. The initial signs of kidney disease are subtle and often ignored.
That may seem cold, but I base my assumption on my own experience with my elderly father, who died in December. He too lived ...
So, the more sugar we eat, the more our skin suffers. Sugar could also cause 'increased acne, appearance of wrinkles, sagging ...
Struggling to afford food today could mean heart problems tomorrow. Young adults experiencing food insecurity have a 41% ...
People with food insecurity as young adults had a 41% higher risk of developing heart disease in middle age, a long-running ...
Well-to-do and better-educated Americans have far lower rates of heart disease than the rest of the population, a new study ...
Watching no more than one hour of TV a day may lower the risk of heart attack, stroke and other blood vessel diseases among ...
An Exeter Hospital hand surgeon's work is connecting carpal tunnel syndrome to a rare, life-threatening heart condition— and ...
Jessica Eastes was a cardiac nurse when she learned she was in heart failure and would need a transplant to survive.
The findings were presented last week at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology and Prevention/Lifestyle and ...