On the negative side of the modeling continuum, for example, Bandura concluded that young people acted out aggression modeled ...
Unpacking your problems for an hour each week with a professional is being talked about for all the wrong reasons ...
It is easy to imagine that, as AI spreads deeper into our lives, we will all become smarter. But what if the reverse is true, ...
Though natural selection favours self-interest, humans are extraordinarily good at cooperating with one another. Why?
Training and development should be a non-negotiable element in developing an effective approach to risk management.
Homelessness is a harsh reality for many, including teens who find themselves on the streets. For some, like those at ...
Whether it sparks nostalgia, romance or grief, music has the ability to connect people with memories and feelings through the ...
Podcast: This episode explores whether children’s weaker selective attention is a hidden strength by addressing findings on attention, memory, and childhood learning.
Shiran Illanperuma On 9 February, an article titled “Sri Lanka’s Undisclosed Pact with China Worries Media”, which was produced by the Union of Catholic Asian News, was carried in the Sunday Island.
Although the subject of human intelligence has likely been of interest since time immemorial, serious attempts to measure it ...