We talked to Peter Wolf about his excellent new memoir and hanging with everyone from Van Morrison to Howlin' Wolf to Aretha Franklin ...
In the Village Voice bestselling author T.J. English interviews saxophonist Darryl Yokley about his ambitious take on a literary masterpiece.
A Jerry Garcia-themed concert venue and restaurant is set to open in Chicago on May 21 from promoter Peter Shapiro. Get the details here.
big venues in Paris. Huge, huge venue. It'd be a lot of money. She said, "Okay, I'll stay another week." -♪ How do you translate ♪ ♪ N'oublie pas les paroles? ♪ ♪ Lullaby of Birdland ...
The iconic track still retains its dynamism and rhythmic cohesion, while also feeling more intimate as if you're in the room with the band playing around you ... your eyes and pretend you're onstage ...
Many birthdays were celebrated at the Stardust Big Band Arlington event in February. The next Stardust Big Band event at the ...
Igmar Thomas’ ensemble bridges eras of Black American music with the soul-stirring project, ‘Like A Tree It Grows.’ ...
Jazz scats, vibrato, heartfelt dramatic interpretations, comedic delivery and crystalline clarity: Ella Mae Dixon's 54 Below ...
How about you? Reach in Beauty; Reconcile in Peace; Blessed Be. Mary Lucille Hays lives in Birdland near White Heath. She is serious about answering mail from readers. Consider subscribing to ...
From presidents to Oktoberfests, the German brass band from Mequon, Freistadt Alte Kameraden, has captivated audiences across the globe.