In a news conference Thursday, Auditor General Timothy DeFoor addressed findings in his office’s report on five cyber charter ...
In an audit looking at sources of Cyber Charter Schools' revenue, expenditures and their financial position, Pennsylvania ...
A report from Pennsylvania’s auditor general analyzes how five state cyber charter schools spent taxpayer money during the ...
Pa. Auditor General Tiimothy DeFoor called for reforms to the state's cyber charter funding formula following an audit of five schools.
A three-year audit shows five Pennsylvania cyber charter schools amassed excessive reserves following rapid enrollment growth ...
Timothy DeFoor is the third Pennsylvania auditor general in a row to call for overhauling the state's cyber charter funding ...
Following an audit of Pennsylvania’s cyber charter schools, the Pennsylvania Auditor General is calling for “major reform” to ...
Wednesday’s audit found five cyber charter schools held in their fund balances a combined $619 million in taxpayer funds as ...
From 2020 to 2023, five cyber charter schools saw a 60% increase to student population. They saw a 90% increase in revenue.
HARRISBURG, Pa. — Pennsylvania Auditor General Tim DeFoor released an audit of five leading cyber charter schools in ...
Pennsylvania Auditor General Timothy L. DeFoor held a news conference to discuss the findings of a recent audit of five ...