The Menu' ends with a shocking dessert course ... to be his date to Hawthorn Island, home of Chef Julian Slowik (Ralph Fiennes)'s exclusive fine dining restaurant. Margot and Tyler are joined ...
Chef Julian Slowik killed his guests at Hawthorn ... an elitist spectacle he can no longer tolerate. By the end of The Menu, Slowik's guests face their fate while he avenges himself with fire.
His obsession with having the honor of tasting Chef Julian Slowik’s food dominates the introduction of The Menu. Upon arriving at Hawthorne, Margot discovers the meticulous level of preparation ...
Their mutual contribution raises the stakes in The Menu and turns it into a wild, nightmarish ride. 1) Ralph Fiennes as Julian Slowik The Menu places Ralph Fiennes in the role of Julian Slowick ...
Released in 2022, The Menu is a satirical thriller about the ... overseen by Ralph Fiennes' heralded Chef Julian Slowik. The evening's service is no ordinary one, however. Each ultra-fancy course ...
an exclusive culinary temple run by highly regarded gourmet chef Julian Slowik. And prepared for an exquisite multiple-course meal and the experience of a lifetime, obsessive epicurean Tyler and ...