The Republican-sponsored constitutional amendment would require able-bodied Medicaid participants ages 19 to 49 to prove they ...
The bill sponsor said businesses worry that employees will take advantage of Proposition A, which requires most employers to ...
House Bill 807, nicknamed the “Save MO Babies Act,” was proposed by Republican state Rep. Phil Amato.
For the second year, Missouri lawmakers consider whether to side with Bayer, which faces thousands of lawsuits over failure ...
House Speaker Pro Tem Chad Perkins says Circuit Judge Cotton Walker has too often decided cases in ways that buck GOP ...
Ultimately, Missouri’s former lieutenant governor and former Senate president pro tem decided to take on the sometimes ...
The former state senator’s announcement came two days after he lost to former Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder by a 36-32 vote of the ...
The Missouri Supreme Court has issued a ruling to allow Proposition B on St. Louis County ballots this spring.