A Black community nearly 20 minutes outside Cincinnati, Ohio, has created a security patrol unit following a scary run-in ...
On Feb. 7, a Uhaul van full of neo-Nazis gathered in the predominantly Black Cincinnati suburb of Lincoln Heights. They wore ...
Residents of Lincoln Heights, Ohio, have organized armed guards after a neo-Nazi march and the spread of Ku Klux Klan ...
Reform Rabbi Ari Jun, a self-described liberal Zionist, has called for empathy for Palestinians in Gaza; protest organizers ...
A local Rabbi's disinvitation from an anti-Nazi rally was not about his faith, but his support of Zionism, political ideology with an oppressive.
The activists are voicing their indignation over the council not taking a stand against hardline federal policies on ...
CINCINNATI (WXIX) - Hamilton County Sheriff Charmaine McGuffey says she firmly thinks the neo-Nazi group that tried to “intimidate” Lincoln Heights residents came from outside of Cincinnati.
When Rabbi Ari Jun learned that faith leaders were invited to speak at a rally in Cincinnati against neo-Nazis and white ...
The two-and-a-half-hour public meeting showed tensions and questions linger from the Feb. 7 incident that involved a dozen armed and masked white supremacists who waved swastika flags and shouted ...
In Cincinnati, the single demonstration has called ... He recalled another case from 1977 in which a Nazi group sued the city of Skokie, Illinois, for blocking a march there.
Based in Chicago, 21CP has a former Cincinnati assistant police chief, Jim Whalen, as part of their team. It appears he will be leading the review of how Evendale police handled the neo-Nazi's ...